Monday, April 30, 2012

Eco-friendly Project

For earth day, our teacher assigned us a "Green Project".Our assignment tries to make us realize aour expenses, how much we spend and how ungreen we are. The purpose of this project is to help us increase our green attitude giving a positive result to our environment.
We had to pick to days in whic we counted our normal activities, in my case, I picked last weekend. Saturday & Sunday were the chosen days.  We had to measure every activity we performed and have a record of it. So my day 1 and day 2 activities are here, :D
Daily Activities: 

1. Transportation
Day 1
Day 2
Home – School 2 km
Home – Church 2 km
School – Home 2 km
Church – Home 2 km
Home – San Pedro Sula (Mall Multiplaza) 15.5 km
Home – Park 4 km
San Pedro Sula (Mall Multiplaza) – Church 16 km
Park – Home 4 km
Church – Home 2 km

Ok, I know. My daily life is not as excited as yours can be, but I tried my best these days, I went to the movies! :D (Ok, honestly, it was a social work activity). 

2. Energy Consumption
What I spent on these days. 

Day 1
Day 2
5 Cardboards     50 lps
“Superglue” 15 lps
Phone Credit 100 lps

Movie tickets for “The Avengers”   300 lps

Ok, yes, I admit it, my life is a little boring. Specially these past month. 

3. I do not use hot water appliances. Not even in the shower.  Too hot for that, I mean, I live in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Trust me, it is hot in here. 

4. Electricity
Day 1
Day 2
Refrigerator  (medium) -   24 hours
24 hours
Washine Machine – 1 load (1 per day)
1 load
Incandescent Lights – 10 hours
10 hours
Fluorescent Lights – 8 hours
6 hours
DVD player – 5 hours
2 hours
TV – 7 hours
10 hours
Other (Wii) – 3 hours
5 hours
Clock – 1 hour a day
1 hour
Iron – 3 hours per week
Small Kitchen Appliances – 1 hour in total
30 min.
Computer (In my house, we use three computers at a time) -  13 hours
15 hours
Printer – 1 hour
20 min.
AIR Conditioner (we use two) – 8 hours each
12 hours each
Here I realized I'm not that green, must change that. 

5. Food 
Day 1
Day 2
Morning:   Milk Shake & Cookie
Morning: Did not have breakfast
Afternoon : Did not have lunch
Afternoon: Rice & Chicken
Night: Popcorns, pepsi & nachos
Iced tea & a “calzone”
Canada dry & churro
Night: Coke
6. Water
Day 1
Day 2
Shower – 15 minutes
20 minutes
Bath – 10 minutes
10 minutes
Sink – 5 minutes
5 minutes
Toilet flushes – 10 times
8 times
In this particular part, I consider myself a preocupied person. Why? Well, because I grew up in a place were water doesn't come that easily. In Tegucigalpa, Honduras, we are all very concern about water, and try to save as much as possible. 

7. Waste
Day 1 - Garbage
Day 1  - Recycle
Day 2 - Garbage
Day 2 - Recycle
Plastic bags
Aluminum Paper
Aluminum Paper
Leftover food
Leftover food
Basically the purpose of this project is to help us realize how wasteful, how “ungreen “we are.  It is disconcerting, however, because I thought I was living a green life. I have tried to save as much electricity, and water as much as I can. For instance, I cannot take longer than 20 minutes in the shower, and every time I am not using the shower, I close it. Or when the dishes are being done (Yeap, I do not have a dishwasher), I am traumatized with the fact the various animals are losing their lives and families, or that somewhere in the world a person is begging for the water I am wasting. And for me, this does not sound fair at all. I have realized that I am not as green as I thought I was. For instance, I sometimes walk from school back home, it is not quite far (you can check it out in the transportation part up here),  I come back home walking, is it safe? I do not know, but it saves gasoline, besides we all need some extra workout. So now the second phase is coming. What do I pretend to do? I’ll try to save as much energy as I can, (promise I’ll use my computer for less time and tell my family members to quit the usage a bit). I believe the world has had the same story for a long time already “please recycle, go green, lets love our world, stop destroying the world we live on, watch out – lets save our planet”. Don’t you think that is an old story already? Aren’t you tired of the same thing already?   Want for this to stop? Well, there is only one thing to do to stop this old, same story for once and for all. It is quite simple actually, anyone could do it. The answer for this question is simply do what it is told. Save paper, recycle, watch out for the water. Just follow the green tips, be an understood person, help out. Don’t you love the place you live on? I mean who wouldn’t.. I don’t know about you, but I pretend to live here in this earth (there is no other planet with life, so I guess we are all forced to become green someday), I like to think I’ll live at least until I’m 150 years old. So, why not doing ourselves a favor? Join the green group and lets save our earth.
I’ll keep informing your about my project, this was only phase 1. 

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