Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Blogging Experience

I must say, my reason for which I started blogging was because I saw kids that had blogs and posted things oftenly and I felt encouraged by them. My teacher also explained that as 21st century students, we should blog.

The advantages blogs offer us, are many, starting with the pressure of using the right words, check spelling and grammar mistakes ect.. But, having a blog not just helps you to make yourself public, but it really helps you to let the world know not just about you, but whatever you feel like posting.

It has made me improve my writting, share to the ones who read my posts know what I think, or feel about certain things, or let them know how, technology or blogging has turned out to be for me. I know some people who might think it is a nightmare, and a horrible, almost forced action, a "duty".
I don't personally think this way, I think blogging has made my life better (not being overstated), it has because my grammar somehow has improved, and I've learned many things throughout blogging. And in those inspirational moments in which you feel you have so much to say, and you have no idea of thi whom, or even better, how to say it, when you start posting stuff, you will have an audience, you will be heard, and trust me, you will find the way of posting it.
So I encourage you guys to start blogging, and enjoy it, do not take it as a homework, but as I learning resource in where you can post about whatever you feel like posting. Always keep in mind, your audience is not just your classmates, but the whole world, so you might want to watch out for your posts!  Hope you start blogging, and leave a comment on how is your experience doing so far. GBU

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