Thursday, May 10, 2012

Eco-friendly Project Journal Entry #3

As I mentioned on my last post, I realized how much of a spender or consumer I am.
Regarding water, I do not spend much. I am always aware if any faucet is opened, and water is running, and if it is, I go and close it. We have a situation at home; you see I have a dog, a German shepherd named Deutsche. He doesn’t like to drink water from a recipient; he likes it directly from the faucet. So we had to leave the faucet barely closed for him to be drinking his water. I did not like this idea at all, but we had no other choice. During these three weeks the eco project has been running, my family and I have been educating him, and now I can say, Deutsche is drinking his water from his recipient. So that is a HUGE step for our family green spirit. The other issue we had was with showering time. I have two smaller siblings, one who turned eight this day, and the other one of ten. We have a dispute every morning at home, when they get into the shower they take really long, both of them do.  And you can hear the water running, and if you listen carefully they are not in the shower actually. I tried talking to them and explaining the damage they are making to the earth they reconsidered their actions and are actually taking less time to shower. You should’ve have seen my brother’s face while I was explaining, you could sense he was in real shock (he loves animals).  And in the energy part, well I’ve been having tins of homework so I haven’t watch T.V. (not even my favorite T.V. show!) so I can’t say I’ve consumed that much energy for that matter. However, computer! That is my pinching balloon! But I am glad to inform I am using my computer only when I need it (though it is almost all day). But I am turning it off when I’m done, and as I said before, only using it to work. So, I can see how my attempts of changing my house’s energy and water consumption is decreasing, hopefully we’ll see an effect on the pay bill J

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