Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Eco-friendly Project Journal Entry #2

      During the observation week I was able to notice how much energy I wasted, because I consider myself not a water waster.
I’ve learned to take advantage of a certain amount of water (I’ve traveled to a place in which you only have 10 minutes to take a bath, clean yourself, wash your hair, and take off the sand from all over you).  I have always tried to be turning the lights off when not needed, un-plug the chargers when they are not used, and turning off the devices. My family and I always try to keep everything “green” we can say, for instance, my mom and I won’t take longer than 15 minutes in the shower, and my dad is always turning off the lights. My little eight year old brother is always closing the faucet. But however, our weakness is computer time, since we make most of our homework online, we oftenly use the computer, almost all night long.  Since I saw that my weak point was the computer, I proposed myself to use the computer less time than I usually do. So basically what I did was sort of like a plan, of course I couldn’t include my parent’s computers in this because they are not usually using their computers at home during the day, but only at night. So my sister and I proposed ourselves to take turns, she would use one computer in the afternoon and I would use it at night. However, this was not that effective because I still had tons of work to do, and the night was not enough. But, I figured something out, I would use the computer only from two to three hours in the afternoon and then at night, I would use the amount of time needed. This actually worked, and has saved me time. I also challenged myself to stop using the AC that much, and I only used it at night, during the afternoon, I would go work outside and actually receive fresh air. Definitely this eco project has helped me realize (as I said on my other post) how much time computer I spend, so I did my math, and realized that I checked social media a lot (Twitter actually, left Facebook behind) and I am working on decreasing my social media time.  So Save My Planet spirit, here I come. 

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