Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hard Work , Effort, Persistency & Passion

Hello! I've been thinking in what should my next topic be, what should I talk about, and I decided on this topic, I really hope you like it.

My mom for me is an example of hard work and effort, well actually both of my parents are, they are determined and accomplish what they propose themselves to do. Their goals and expectations are always done, and in a satisfactory way. I think I mentioned it in one of my posts, but both of my parents are dentist, and they teach in college, my dad is headchief of dental school, and my mom teaches in it as well. This requires a determined attitude, since it is not easy to "survive" to the environment of that place. As I just mentioned, my mom teaches, and she is also a student, she is getting her specialty, at a local university near town. Also, they are both getting their master degree in Nicaragua, and they have to travel every now and then. So, as you can see both of them are very into education and believe it or not, they have a hard time dealing with persons who are "close minded". This meaning, they do not want to transform or make a progress, they want to continue with the same techniques (teaching techniques), and ignore the latest methods used for teaching. I wanted to mention this beacuse I want you, my reader, to notice how hard it is for my parents to handle so many things, but that it is not what actually exhausts them. What overburdens them is people's attitude, people who are never willing to try hard, and make an effort. If a person is persistent, and tries, and goes on even if someone said he or she couldn't go far, that is a person who is persistent, hard working and just puts all of his/her effort and pasion into things. Someone who tries even if he failed, that will be a succesful person. In this life, we will all fall down, but yet we must stand up again, and move on. It is what we all should do, if we continue, we keep on trying, we will see hwo things get better.

There is a saying that says that what costs us the most, it is what will last longer, or it is the best for us. This meaning that whenever we have a job or an achievement we want to have, if it takes time and hard work, it will turn out to be great. The reason I mentioned both of my parents before, is beacuse they both have a hard time with their jobs, it requires strength and time, but most important, it requires will. And this is were passion comes, if we are passionate about something, we will do our best effort, we will work so hard until we accomplish it and our result would be GREAT! I can see in both of my parents their passion and will, and the wanting to do something, their desire on accomplishing something. They are a great example for me, and I really hope, I expect for me to be like them. And I think I am on the right track, since the things I am going to study require passion, hard work, effor and persistency. Having this example at home, and being a daughter of the Almighty, Oh Yeah, I will persue my dream, and achieve my goals, all the desires my heart has I will fulfill them, and succeed. So, an advice for you, dear reader, make yourself some goals, dream big (the sky is the limit) and reach everything you want to. Fear no more, if God is with you, you will succeed! GBU

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